My son has had multiple reactions in flight due to contamintaed seats and arm rests. When I called the airline before our flight they told me to inform the flight staff who will deal with us when we board…we are always told to do this by multiple airlines. This time the stewardess told me that they never make buffer zones for allergic passengers and they have never done that before! We literally got in a yelling match. She told me she knows what it’s like to have a “peanut allergy” becaue she almost died of an asthma attack. WHAT!? First of all I told her it was TREE NUTS and second of all I am not questioning her issues. All we wanted was a buffer zone around my son for the flight. She then told me that she can not ask a mother who brought nuts for their children to eat, not to feed them. All of the other stewardesses just stood there not saying a word. The woman beside us opened a package of mixed nuts to eat and it wreaked!! Why do so many people bring nuts to eat. I had to tell her not to eat them. The stewardess then decided to move our family to the back of the plane where there was an empty row. She told us that 4 rows behind us sat a family who were eating peanuts and she couln’t tell them to stop. Again, it’s TREE NUTS!! Airline staff need to be educated on food allergies. There needs to be rules in place about allowing nuts onto flights. It seems to be a very common food to consume in flight and can very easily contaminate the plane.
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