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If we don't record our testimonials of traveling with a food allergy, it's as if they never happened.
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When dealing with an anaphylactic allergy attack, the difference between life and death is just minutes.
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Help us to require airlines to take action to help passengers with food allergies.
Glad to provide a response from a military perspective.
As a career military officer, my family and I must relocate often...
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Welcome to the No Nut Traveler, Inc.
No Nut Traveler, Inc. was created to use grass roots organizing, advocacy and education to improve the safety and quality of life of individuals with food allergies both in the air and on the ground.
I originally created this site because my family was put in a stressful situation with United Airlines, and I didn’t want others to be humiliated the way our family was.
Thanks to testimonials shared on nonuttraveler.com and the work of disability rights attorney Mary Vargas, food allergies are now a recognized disability under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). All United States airlines must allow the food allergic passenger to pre-board and clean the seating area for past contamination and mitigate the risk of an in-flight allergic reaction.
There are no other guidelines that an airline must follow to protect fliers with food allergies. The FAA does not even mandate easy to use auto-injectors as a requirement in Emergency Medical Kits on planes. Join us as we speak up, educate others and support change!
About The No Nut Traveler
As the mother of a child with a peanut allergy, I know that airline travel can be as dangerous as navigating a live land mine. I created this website to help others like myself to minimize and prevent the risk of exposures and reactions when flying.
This is a home to share your stories and experiences with different airlines, so others may learn from you. Here you will also find resources that I have found useful in my quest to protect my son.
It is my hope that this site will become a trusted destination for you when you need quick and easy access information regarding airline travel and food allergies. Make an informed decision before you purchase that plane ticket, forewarned is forearmed.
Learn how to file a complaint with the Department of Transportation (DOT), if you have had a bad flight experience. Discover how to contact your representatives in Washington to lobby for more rights as a food allergic passenger or parent.