I recently connected through Chicago from LaGuardia to Wyoming and had a total of 4 stressful flights with my 2 peanut and tree nut allergic daughters. My Jet Blue experience on a prior trip was great with flight attendant asking the rows ahead and behind to refrain from nuts-this is a reasonable safety precaution in my opinion. The United flight attendants have a complete block and are totally unwilling to do anything. They wouldn’t ask anyone to not consume nuts near us and furthermore when I told the flight attendant about the allergies she boarded someone from United customer service to tell me “maybe I shouldn’t fly with my kids”. Thank goodness the girls were watching their movies and didn’t hear this. I ended up askig the people in front and behind if they would refraining from nuts, and unbelievably a woman directly behind me with 2 kids said she made peanut butter sandwiches for them and planned on feeding them that. On the verge of tears the woman made a scene and decided not to serve her kids the sandwiches. I can’t stop thinking about the A) lack of compassion of that woman and B) the hands off, rude “travel at your own risk” attitude that United airlines displayed on all 4 legs of our trip.
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