We ended up flying with Delta because they were going right where we needed to go and they assured us if we called in advance and brought a letter from my doctor saying it was a LIFE THREATENING allergy, that the flight would be peanut free.
As nervous as can be, I boarded the plane and showed the stewardess by the door my doctor’s letter. She said everything was fine. I proceeded to take my seat and another flight attendant came to me and rudely and very loudly asked if I was the one with the peanut allergy. I confirmed that I was, and she sat there arguing with me, asking how serious my allergy really was.
After trying to explain to this irrational woman that I would die if the person next to me ate ONE peanut, she told me that they are only required to have a peanut free zone of four seats ahead of me and four seats behind me! I was mortified and my anxiety skyrocketed.
I figured if it got really bad, I could just breath through the vomit bag, right? So the plane takes off and then the nightmare only gets worse! As they are passing out the snacks, my anxiety turns into full out panic attacks. I see the cart tray of death rolling down the aisle and find out that my peanut free zone has suddenly turned into a death zone!
The attendant is serving trail mix, snickers, and peanut butter crackers that are available for purchase to the rows right in front of me! I don’t remember much else of the flight because I was in a constant state of panic.
We had to fly from Dallas to Atlanta then Atlanta to New York. After flying to Atlanta I was willing to WALK to New York before getting back on any airplane!
We talked to about four managers, the captain of the next plane and just about everyone we could to ensure my safety. This plane ride was amazing! They announced on the loud system that there are multiple people with life threatening peanut allergies on the plane and to even please refrain from eating your own personal snacks for the safety of their passengers.
That was amazing! We talked to numerous people at Delta headquarters and they informed us it is actually up to the flight attendant whether they want to accommodate us or not!! That is ridiculous! I have not flown on an airplane since then because I am absolutely petrified! It shouldn’t be that hard to simply serve some crackers or pretzels!
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