This past Friday night, I was bringing my son Joshua to his friend’s birthday party. Other parents arrived and dropped off their children, and then left. I recall those days when I was able to drop off my two older children at a party and leave in order to spend some much-needed alone time, or have a “date night” with my husband. However, my youngest child, Joshua, suffers from a severe food allergy and for me, those days are in the past.
As a parent with a food allergic child, I feel a constant low-grade anxiety about meals. The world is full of culinary land mines, and I try to map a path to navigate around them for my child. I do not write this post looking for pity. Rather, I want to paint a window into my world and my heart. I hold out hope that naysayers who criticize the concerns of an allergic parent might, if given a glimpse into our lives and fears, give us a little more empathy and understanding.
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