Our 13 year old has been diagnosed with severe peanut, tree nut and seed allergies since she was 3. She also suffers oral allergy syndrome from all raw fruits and vegetables. We travel extensively both internationally and domestically and thankfully have mostly been treated well and thus far with only one incident- aboard American Airlines !
ANA and Turkish airlines could not do enough for her. No embarrassing announcements made- just removal of all nuts and mention of which food products had seeds. Furthermore, the airlines called a few days before to ask what foods they could prepare for her. Delta Airline, another fantastic experience. They treated us with complete respect, requested everyone around our daughter to refrain from eating nuts or seeds! Cathay, same respect. Jetblue Airways always on time and always peanut free (should be a t shirt logo).
Just American Airlines and Malaysia airlines who treated our daughter like yesterdays garbage.
Air Malaysia had a broken air conditioning system, were aware of her nut allergy and yet insisted on giving out peanuts. We were fortunate that nothing happened. The lead steward literally threw a bag of peanuts with anger at my husbands feet! complaints on the ground did nothing- no surprise.I would never trust that airline.
American was as un-American as one can be. It didn’t matter if we were business class passengers-. they served the warm nuts and the ice cream sundae with nuts anyway. This was the only time we had an incident. Our daughter began to vomit, then thankfully felt better. We landed and all was well BUT the snide cabin crew made a remark about the vomit smell. Our response , the bad smell goes well with your attitude. NEVER AGAIN!
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