I was traveling from Conneticut to Indianapolis, via Chicago. Due to my food allergies, all I had was a coffee.Unbeknownst to me the passengers in first class had been served pitta chips. The air steward made my coffee and transferred garlic powder onto the rim on my coffee cup whilst she made it.
I went into full anaphylaxis, the passenger next to me had inject me with my Epi-pen. me. Two other passengers tried to offer medical assistance whilst the plane diverted to Michigan. I was helped off the plane to be told by paramedics that I wasn’t too bad, they’d seen worse. They recommended that I should just rent a car and drive the 5 hours home to Indianapolis.
They assumed because I wasn’t covered in hives, that I had suffered anaphylaxis, despite the fact I had many other symptoms. They told me I didn’t need to go to the hospital and said I should get back on the plane. They told me to sign a waiver saying I didn’t want to go to hospital. Anyone who’s experienced anaphylaxis will understand it’s hard enough to think about simple things let alone make life decisions.
I’ve since travelled again and was laughed at by cabin crew because a peanut allergy (which I have as well) shouldn’t mean the person can board first. They have no idea how hard it is, they would be the first to be disgruntled if they have to medically divert a plane because a passenger just may die on the plane.
There are sometimes measures in place to make announcements for peanuts but what about other allergies! Are we not as important because my main allergy isn’t a top 8 allergen. Why’s your snack more important than my life!
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