From Lianne (No Nut Traveler)- There is no right as of yet under the ACAA to make announcements on airlines for a food allergy. I am surprised they even told the individuals in the adjacent area as they usually refuse this request too. We must continue to advocate for fair evenly promulgated food allergy policies through out global aviation.
At boarding, I informed the flight crew of my anaphylactic allergy to peanuts and treen nuts, and requested a reasonable accomodation under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA )in the form of an cabin wide announcement asking individuals to refrain from eating nuts. American refused my accomodation and told me it was against company policy.
Instead, they said they would only ask the individuals sitting adjacent to not eat nuts. I believe this approach inappropriately stigmatizes the individual with the allergy and discloses protected medical information to other passengers. American did allow me to preboard to wipe down my seat. A little more context here is that I’m also an attorney who is professionally trained in understanding my legal rights and advocacy. This would be a simple change for American to make that would enhance passenger safety yet American refused.
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