Last week, we flew our peanut allergic kiddo for the first time on Delta. We have flown before but mostly, with him, on JetBlue. We registered his peanut allergy when we made the reservation.
The day before we were due to travel, we got a weather advisory from the airline due to a Nor’easter coming the next day. We quickly rebooked our nonstop flight for the next day to a connecting flight for that day from a different airport. At this point, I was very nervous….would our peanut allergy alert follow us?
Being on rescheduled flights was a longtime fear for this food allergy mama. Being stuck in storm cancellations was a longtime fear. We packed lots of food just in case we got stuck and headed to the airport. Traveling was a bit of a mess but Delta was a dream. Even though Delta only rescheduled us a few hours earlier, our first plane had note of the allergy, made a gate announcement and pre-boarded us.
Unfortunately our flight was delayed so we missed our connection. We were on the standby list for the next flight….we were placed on it and THEY had a record of the peanut allergy and also accommodated him. Wow! Flying standby was a fear of mine and Delta handled it like a champ.
Our nonstop flight became 3 different scheduled legs and each time, even standby(!!!) they had a record and had his back. It became more clear than ever to me how important those peanut alerts are on a reservation. I would never have imagined that we could fly standby but they did a great job transferring his nut allergy alert each time. So glad I didn’t have to rely on the ‘kindness’ and mood of a gate agent to have his allergy
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