Each person we spoke with as they escorted us to a special lounge and to the gate was told about her life threatening allergies to nuts. Each person assured us the flight crew was aware and everything was taken care of. Make a Wish was assured there would be accommodations for her allergies on flight. When we boarded the plane the flight crew HAD NO IDEA about her allergy.
After a lot of push, the captain said, “if it were my family, I would be fighting too, so we will not serve them.” I thought it was solved. Then an attendant radioed about us taling off half of what they offer away if they do this. Next thing we knew, higher ups were on the plane. It was a fight, literally a 20 min delay of taking off because of it. It took a lot of force, a lot of pushing with the higher ups, a lot of glares from an attendant. They finally agreed not to serve and or sell anything with nuts, AND make the announcement.
The trip coming home today, the lady at the counter was rude, but as soon as she put us in contact with the flight crew, they told us, “no problem, nothing with nuts will be served, and an announcement will be made.” The difference was incredible!
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